David Platt

Abandon Yourself – David Platt

Abandon Yourself – David Platt

We are settling for a Christianity that revolves around catering to ourselves when the central message of Christianity is actually about abandoning ourselves.

– David Platt –

Radical Obedience – David Platt

Radical Obedience – David Platt

My biggest fear, even now, is that I will hear Jesus’ words and walk away, content to settle for less than radical obedience to Him.

– David Platt –

September 11, 2014

What if prayer was a more automatic reflex in our lives than checking our phones?

– David Platt –

July 20, 2014

God is revealing Himself all around us … So then, point to the glory of God; acknowledge the glory of God! Don’t say, “Look at that sunset; it is majestic.” Say, “Look at the glory of God revealed in this sunset; He is majestic!” Don’t talk about creation like you’re an atheist, Christian. Talk about creation like it’s revealing the glory of God. Point people to what God is already doing around us … God has given us ample opportunity in creation around us to point people to His glory.

– David Platt –