The world has yet to see a Christlike, victorious fruitful believer who was not a person of considerable prayer.
– Jim Cymbala –
from Breakthrough Prayer
The world has yet to see a Christlike, victorious fruitful believer who was not a person of considerable prayer.
– Jim Cymbala –
from Breakthrough Prayer
The first-century money changers were in the temple, but they didn’t have the spirit of the temple… They were out of sync with the whole purpose of the Lord’s house. “The atmosphere of my Father’s house,” Jesus seemed to say, “is to be prayer. The aroma around my Father must be that of people opening their hearts in worship and supplication. This is not a place to make a buck. This is a house for calling on the Lord.”
– Jim Cymbala –
I am dismayed by the contracts required by some contemporary musical groups. To perform a concert at your church, the stated fee will be so much (in either four or five figures) plus round trip airfare–often first class, not coach. Every detail of the accommodations is spelled out, down to “sushi for twenty persons” waiting at the hotel, in one case. All this is done so that the group can stand before an inner-city audience and exhort the people to “just trust the Lord for all your needs.”
– Jim Cymbala –
They will pay $15 for a Christian concert to hear a Christian singer and for free they won’t come into the presence of God and call upon the name of the Lord.
– Jim Cymbala –
Only turning God’s house into a house of fervent prayer will reverse the power of evil so evident in the world today.
– Jim Cymbala –
The devil is not terribly frightened of our human efforts and credentials. But he knows his kingdom will be damaged when we begin to lift up our hearts to God.
– Jim Cymbala –