Martin Luther

The Aim of Scripture – Martin Luther

The whole Scripture doth principally aim at this thing, that we should not doubt, but that we should hope, that we should trust, that we should believe, that God is a merciful, a bountiful, a gracious, and a patient God to his people.

– Martin Luther –

The High and Holy Calling of Work – Martin Luther

The farmer in the field, or the farmer’s wife in the farmhouse, if they are doing their work by faith for the glory of God, are fulfilling as high and holy a calling as the pastor in the pulpit.

– Martin Luther –

Life of Repentance – Martin Luther

When our Lord and master Jesus Christ said, “Repent,” he willed that the whole life of believers should be one of repentance.

– Martin Luther –

The Faithful Prays Twice – Martin Luther

Here is a saying ascribed to St. Jerome that everything a believer does is prayer and a proverb, “He who works faithfully prays twice.” This can be said because a believer fears and honors God in his work and remembers the commandment not to wrong anyone, or to try to steal, defraud, or cheat. Such thoughts and such faith undoubtedly transform his work into prayer and a sacrifice of praise.

– Martin Luther –
from A Simple Way to Pray