Miscellaneous Quote

Affirm or Conform? – Zach Honnen

Affirm or Conform? – Zach Honnen

So many people just read the Bible looking to affirm their own beliefs instead of letting the Bible conform their beliefs.

– Zach Honnen –

Rest in Christ – Matt McMillen

Rest in Christ – Matt McMillen

God doesn’t want you to do religious stuff to feel better about yourself. He wants you to rest in Christ.

– Matt McMillen –

The most common problem that plagues believers – Sam Stephens

The most common problem that plagues believers – Sam Stephens

The more I counsel myself, the more I am convinced that the most common problem that plagues the lives of believers is biblical illiteracy. Most can articulate their love language and Enneagram personality type, but are ignorant of God’s expectations for their personal holiness.

– Sam Stephens –