The failure of modern evangelicalism is the failure to understand the holiness of God.
– RC Sproul –
The failure of modern evangelicalism is the failure to understand the holiness of God.
– RC Sproul –
In the New Testament, love is more of a verb than a noun. It has more to do with acting than with feeling. The call to love is not so much a call to a certain state of feeling as it is to a quality of action.
– RC Sproul –
Hope is called the anchor of the soul (Hebrews 6:19), because it gives stability to the Christian life. But hope is not simply a “wish” (I wish that such-and-such would take place); rather, it is that which latches on to the certainty of the promises of the future that God has made.
– RC Sproul –
When the Gospel is at stake, everything is at stake.
– RC Sproul –