William Law

Death to Self – William Law

Death to self is the only entrance into the Church of the living God; and nothing but God can give this death, and that alone through the inward work of the cross of Christ by His Spirit made real in the soul.

– William Law –

Devotion Signifies a Devoted Life to God – William Law

Devotion signifies a life given, or devoted to God. He therefore is the devout man, who lives no longer to his own will, or the way and spirit of the world, but to the sole will of God, who considers God in everything, who serves God in everything, who makes all the parts of his common life, parts of piety, by doing everything in the name of God, and under such rules as are conformable to his Glory.

– William Law –
from A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life, 1729

November 22, 2012

If anyone would tell you the surest, shortest way to all happiness and all perfection, he must tell you to make it a rule to yourself, to thank God for every thing that happens to you.

– William Law –
from A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life 

February 29, 2012

Everything in the life or religion of man that has not the Spirit of God for its source, direction, and end is but earthly, sensual, or devilish.

– William Law –
from Power of the Spirit

February 20, 2012

True Christianity is nothing but the continual dependence upon God through Christ for all life, light, and virtue; and the false religion of satan is to seek that goodness from any other source.

– William Law –
from Power of the Spirit