Nathan Johnson

February 17, 2013

Anything short of Jesus is short of the Gospel – for Jesus is the Gospel.

– Ryan Green –

February 6, 2013

I see that if I would be happy in God, I must give Him all.

– Elizabeth Prentiss –

February 3, 2013

The Holy Spirit has come to make the life of Jesus Christ real in your flesh.

– GW North –

January 31, 2013

It is easier to find a score of men wise enough to discover the truth than to find one intrepid enough…to stand up for it.

– AA Hodge –

January 27, 2013

The truth is, that Christians in general differ very little from either Jews or Heathens.  Christianity occupies their heads; but heathenism their hearts.  They pretend to have faith: but, as for “the faith that overcomes the world,” they know nothing about it.  Their whole life, instead of being occupied in a progressive transformation of the soul after the Divine image, is one continued state of conformity to the world: and, instead of regarding “the friendship of the world” as a decisive proof of their “enmity against God,” they affect it, they seek it, and they glory in it.

– Charles Simeon –

January 24, 2013

We refuse to so strive and should not be surprised at the lack of God’s mighty stirrings. Is it not amazing that we have no problem with people wearing themselves out in sports for pleasure, work for money, politics for power, and programs for charity, but think it fanatical to so pray for souls? We would die for national freedom, but never for progress in the Kingdom of God. Is it any wonder we see so little of God’s great working? Father Nash* would pray until he had to ‘go to bed absolutely sick, for weakness and faintness, under the pressure.’ The world would have no problem with such dedication except that it was due to prayer for souls. Why should it be such a strange thing to the Church?

– J. Paul Reno –

*Father Nash was the man who prayed “under the stage” during Charles Finney’s revivals.

January 16, 2013

All it takes to make a preacher is a sermon – but it takes an altar to make a man of God.

– BH Clendennen –

December 23, 2012

It is impossible to be a true soldier of Jesus Christ and not fight.

– J. Gresham Machen –