Nathan Johnson

November 7, 2012

If you went after Jesus with the same fervency you went after the world, you would be radically transformed.

– Robert Saunders –

October 28, 2012

I’m not busy. I have all the time I need to accomplish the things the Lord wants me to do today.

– Tim Challies –

October 14, 2012

We are more concerned about looking stupid (a fear of people) than we are about acting sinfully (fear of the Lord).

– Ed Welch –

October 12, 2012

As Christians we should have only one message coming out of our lips and lives: the unsearchable riches of Christ!
(see Ephesians 3.8)


October 7, 2012

The prayers of holy men appease God’s wrath, drive away temptations, resist and overcome the Devil, procure the ministry and service of angels, rescind the decrees of God. Prayer cures sickness and obtains pardon; it arrests the sun in its course and stays the wheels of the chariot of the moon; it rules over all gods and opens and shuts the storehouses of rain; it unlocks the cabinet of the womb and quenches the violence of fire; it stops the mouths of lions and reconciles our suffering and weak faculties with the violence of torment and violence of persecution; it pleases God and supplies all our need.

– Jeremy Taylor –

October 4, 2012

Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace.

– Helen H. Lemmel –

September 16, 2012

Does it not thrill our hearts to realize that we do not go forward in our own strength! Think of it, God Himself is with us for our Captain! The Lord of Hosts is present in Person on every field of conflict, to encourage us and fight with us. With such a Leader, who never lost a battle, or deserted a soldier in distress, or failed to get through the needed supplies, who would not accept the challenge to go forward, “bearing precious seed”?

– John Stam –

July 22, 2012

But if the path we tread be rough and lowly; it is that in which our great Exemplar has gone before. Going down into the valley of humiliation we walk in His footsteps.

– John Dawson –
from The Saviour in the Workshop 

June 24, 2012

An honest, consistent, godly character, is a sermon all the week. The godly Christian–pure of heart and unspotted by the world–is the best preacher of the gospel. The revival which is most urgently needed, is a revival of practical godliness. Sunday preaching is not enough; we need more “sermons all through the week.”

– Theodore Cuyler –
from “Wayside Springs from the Fountain of Life,” 1883