Nathan Johnson

June 15, 2013

Humility must always be doing its work like a bee making its honey in the hive: without humility all will be lost.

– Teresa of Avila –

May 11, 2013

Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.

– TS Eliot –

April 24, 2013

Actually, faith is most reasonable. What is more reasonable than that a creature should trust his Creator? Is it insane to believe in One Who can neither lie nor fail nor err? To trust God is the most sensible, sane, rational thing that a man can do. It is no leap in the dark. Faith demands the surest evidence and finds it in God’s unfailing Word. No one has ever trusted Him in vain; no one ever will. Faith in the Lord involves no risk whatever.

– William MacDonald –

April 19, 2013

Why do we not lay open our heart to God and beg Him to put into it whatever is most pleasing to Him?

– Jean-Nicholas Grou –
from How to Pray (18th Century)

April 13, 2013

A man, and a Christian man too, may keep up all the outward appearances of religion; but if he has guilt on his conscience, or allows sin in his soul, he may frequent the Lord’s house but it will be without profit; he may worship but it will be without peace.

– James Thomas Holloway –
from The Analogy of Faith

April 12, 2013

God’s plan with most of us appears to be a design to make us flexible, twisting us this way and that, now giving, now taking; but always at work for and in us.

– Elizabeth Prentiss –
from More Love to Thee

March 15, 2013

Have you by faith grasped Jesus? Are you by faith cleaving unto Him? Faith is the eye which sees the Ladder—the hand which touches it—the strength which holds it—the feet which mount it. Has the Holy Spirit opened to you this figure, which was new life to Jacob? There is a ready test. Is the world beneath your tread? Do you trample on its love, its fashions, its maxims, its principles?

– Henry Law –

February 23, 2013

The most foolish person in the world is the one who has the opportunity to read, absorb, digest, live in, be immersed in worship-reading the Bible, but doesn’t do it because of PREOCCUPATION with other things of this world.

– Rex B. Andrews –