Dear Jesus…how foolish of me to have called for human help when You are here.
– Corrie ten Boom –
Dear Jesus…how foolish of me to have called for human help when You are here.
– Corrie ten Boom –
A flowing stream cuts its own channel.
– Major Ian Thomas –
The man who will present Christ to others must be occupied with Christ for Himself.
– CH Mackintosh –
All I do should be biased on a perfect oneness with Him, not on a self-willed determination to be godly.
– Oswald Chambers –
We are settling for a Christianity that revolves around catering to ourselves when the central message of Christianity is actually about abandoning ourselves.
– David Platt –
To be in Christ—that makes you fit for heaven; but for Christ to be in you—that makes you fit for earth! To be in Christ changes your destination; but for Christ to be in you—that changes your destiny! The one makes heaven your home—the other makes this world His workshop.
– Ian Thomas –
from The Saving Life of Christ
The Christian life isn’t difficult, it’s impossible—without the power of the Holy Spirit.
– Bill Bright –
The work of a true convert is not done. He finds a great work to do and great wants to be supplied. He still sees himself to be a poor, empty, helpless creature who still stands in great and continual need of God’s help. He well knows that without God he can do nothing. After a true conversion, the soul is increasingly aware of its own impotence and emptiness. It is still aware of its universal dependence on God for everything.
– Jonathan Edwards –
Lord, I give up all my own plans and purposes. All my own desires and hopes and accept Your will for my life. I give myself, my life, my all, utterly to You to be Yours forever. Fill me and seal me with Your Holy Spirit. Use me as You will, send me where you will, work out Your whole will in my life at any cost, now and forever. To me to live is Christ. Amen.
– Betty Scott Stam –