When God is at the center . . . people naturally make the right choices because they are listening to His voice rather than the voice of their own selfish desires.
– Leslie Ludy –
from Teaching True Love to a Sex at 13 Generation, 52-53
When God is at the center . . . people naturally make the right choices because they are listening to His voice rather than the voice of their own selfish desires.
– Leslie Ludy –
from Teaching True Love to a Sex at 13 Generation, 52-53
The world has yet to see what God can do with a man fully consecrated to him. By God’s help, I aim to be that man.
– DL Moody –
The world has not seen what God can do with a life fully yielded to Him.
The world has yet to see what God can do with and for and through and in and by the man who is fully and wholly consecrated to Him. I aim to be that man.
The mark of a life governed by the Holy Spirit is that such a life is continually and ever more and more occupied with Christ, that Christ becomes greater and greater as time goes on.
– T. Austin-Sparks –
Just as it is impossible to be both a plant and a seed, so it is impossible for us to be surrounded by worldly honor and at the same time bear heavenly fruit.
– Amma Syncletica of Egypt –
380-460 AD
The Holy Spirit is the immediate source of all holiness. The missionary must above all things be a holy man. The ideal teacher … is a holy man. He is entirely sincere, and perfect in love. He is magnanimous, generous, benign, and full of forbearance. He is pure in heart, free from selfishness, and never swerves from the path of duty in his conduct. He is deep and active like a fountain, sending forth his virtues in due season. He is seen, and men revere him; he speaks, and men believe him; he acts, and men are gladdened by him. He possesses all heavenly virtues. He is one with Heaven.
– Griffith John –
Self-sourcing asks, “How can I use you?” Spirit-sourcing asks, “How can I minister to you?” Self-sourcing sees inconvenience. Spirit-sourcing sees opportunities. Self-sourcing protects and guards. Spirit-sourcing flows and gives. Self sourcing is demanding; Spirit-sourcing is giving. I become the answer to the needs of your life, because He is the answer to the needs of my life.
– Stephen Manley –
from Eating at the Cross (Acts 2.42)
Jesus Christ does not want to be our helper; He wants to be our life. He does not want us to work for Him; He wants us to let Him do His work through us, using us as we use a pencil to write with – better still, using us as one of the fingers on His hand.
– Charles Trumbull –
Everything in the life or religion of man that has not the Spirit of God for its source, direction, and end is but earthly, sensual, or devilish.
– William Law –
from Power of the Spirit
It is the Holy Ghost in us that is everything, and the Father is willing to bestow Him upon the weakest if he will only ask in the spirit of implicit faith and entire self-surrender. My cry these days is for a Pentecost, first on myself and my missionary brethren, and then on the native Church, and then on the heathen at large.
– Griffith John –