Centrality of Christ

Wonderful Love of Christ – Thomas Watson

It was wonderful love that Christ should die for such as we are. What are we? Not only vanity, but enmity. When we were fighting, he was dying; when we had the weapons in our hands, then he had the spear in his side (Romans 5:8).

– Thomas Watson –
from The Lords Supper, 1665

The Grace of Christ – Matthew Henry

A man whose right hand was withered came to learn from Christ (see Luke 6:6). Whether he had any expectation to be healed by him does not appear. But those that would be cured by the grace of Christ must be willing to learn the doctrine of Christ.

– Matthew Henry –

No Flowers Without Roots – JC Ryle

We cannot have flowers without roots, or fruit without trees. We cannot have the fruit of the Spirit, without vital union with Christ, and a new creation within.

– JC Ryle –
from Expository Thoughts on the Gospels (Volume 2: Luke 6:27-38), 1856

Preaching Christ Changes the Heart – Thomas Brooks

The teaching of this and that opinion may please a man’s fancy, but it is only the preaching of Christ that changes the heart, that conquers the heart, that turns the heart. Peter, by preaching a crucified Christ, converts three thousand souls at once.

– Thomas Brooks –

A Living Savior – Charles Spurgeon

It is a pity when men only think of a dead Savior or of a baby Savior, carried in the Virgin’s arms, as the church of Rome does. It is our joy to have a living Christ, for while He lives we cannot die, and while He pleads we cannot be condemned. Thus, we are led to remember Him as a living Savior and to give Him honor.

– Charles Spurgeon –
from God Loves You

The Purpose of the Bible – AW Tozer

Any manipulation of the Scriptures to make them speak peace to the natural man is evil and can only lead to ruin. … The purpose of the Bible is to bring men to Christ, to make them holy and prepare them for heaven. In this it is unique among books, and it always fulfills its purpose when it is read in faith and obedience.

– AW Tozer –