
October 25, 2012

As long as we leave sin unconfessed, we are actually saying that we don’t believe the Lord is going to come now.

– AW Tozer –

October 21, 2012

If weak in prayer we are weak everywhere.

– Leonard Ravenhill –

October 19, 2012

David Brainerd was pursued by unearthly adversaries who were resolved to rob him of his reward. He knew he must never take off his armor, but lie down to rest with his corselet laced. The stains that marred the perfection of his lustrous dress and the spots of rust on his gleaming shield are imperceptible to us, but they were to him the source of much sorrow and ardency of yearning.

from The Life of David Brainerd –

October 14, 2012

We are more concerned about looking stupid (a fear of people) than we are about acting sinfully (fear of the Lord).

– Ed Welch –

October 10, 2012

We have missed the whole office and virtue of praying if it does not rectify our conduct. The very nature of things is that we must either quit praying or quit bad conduct. Cold, dead praying may exist with bad conduct, but cold, dead praying is no praying in God’s eyes. Our praying advances in power as it rectifies our lives. A life growing in its purity and devotion will be a more prayerful life.

– EM Bounds –

October 5, 2012

If you would test the character of anything, you only need to inquire whether that thing leads you to God or away from God.

– Watchman Nee –