Christian Life

Sensitive to the Lord’s presence – AW Tozer

Do you find your own heart sensitive to the Lord’s presence, or are you among those who are “samplers” and “nibblers”? God help you if you are, for the child of the King isn’t a sampler and a nibbler—he’s a sheep who loves his Shepherd, and he stays close to his Shepherd. That’s the only safe place for a sheep—at the Shepherd’s side, because the devil doesn’t fear sheep—he just fears the Shepherd. Your spiritual safety and well-being lies in being near to the Shepherd. Stay close to Jesus and all of the wolves in the world cannot get a tooth in you.

– AW Tozer –
from Tozer Speaks, Volume One, vol. 2 (Chicago, IL: WingSpread, 2010), 21–22.

Walking with Jesus – AA Allen

Walking with Jesus – AA Allen

If you’re walking with Jesus, in the Spirit, you need not fear going too far. No believer has gone as far as God wants him to go.

– AA Allen –