
December 25, 2014

He frequently emphasized the fact that anything which is not Christ in resurrection is not the church.

– Watchman Nee –

December 22, 2014

The Church did the most when the Church was the least like the world.

– G. Campbell Morgan –

December 11, 2014

Church is all fun and games until someone gets poked in the “I”.

– Unknown –

December 8, 2014

For unless your hearts are free from worldly hopes and worldly fears, you never will speak boldly, as you ought to speak. The good old Puritans, I believe, never preached better than when in danger of being taken to prison as soon as they had finished their sermon. And however the church may be at peace now, yet I am persuaded, unless you go forth with the same temper, you will never preach with the same demonstration of the Spirit and of power.

– George Whitefield –

December 6, 2014

A church with apostolic foundations is that body of people whose central impulse and principle of life, being and service is one thing only, namely, a radical and total jealousy for the glory of God.

– Art Katz –

November 25, 2014

The essence of this mystery is Christ, Himself. In these days certain would-be wise men are laboriously attempting to constitute a church without Christ and to set forth a salvation without a Savior. But their Babel building is as a bowing wall and a tottering fence. The center of the blessed mystery of the Gospel is Christ, Himself, in His Person. What a wonderful conception it was that the infinite God should take upon Himself the nature of man! It never would have occurred to men that such a condescension would be thought of!

– Charles Spurgeon –

November 23, 2014

Whatever Christ is, His people are in Him. They were crucified in Him; they were dead in Him; they were buried in Him; they are risen in Him! In Him they live eternally, in Him they sit gloriously at the right hand of God, “who has raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.” In Him we are “accepted in the Beloved,” both now and forever! And this, I say, is the essence of the whole Gospel. He that preaches Christ preaches the Gospel! He who does not preach Christ, preaches not the Gospel. It is no more possible for there to be a Gospel without Christ than a day without the sun, or a river without water, or a living man without a head, or a quickened human body without a soul! No, Christ Himself is the life, soul, substance and essence of the mystery of the Gospel of God. Christ, Himself, I say again, and no other!

– Charles Spurgeon –

November 15, 2014

In Jesus Christ all the beauty of the Church is summed up. What were His Church without Him? A carcass—a ghastly corpse bereft of all its glory—because divided from its Head.

– Charles Spurgeon –

October 26, 2014

More than 2 billion people who do not know Jesus head toward hell to perish for eternity, while the church laughs its way to hysteria, claiming this is the sign of the last days’ outpouring of the Holy Spirit … My brothers and sisters, this is not Christianity.”

– KP Yohannan –