We shall have eternity in which to celebrate our victories, but we only have one swift hour before sunset in which to win them!
– Anonymous –
We shall have eternity in which to celebrate our victories, but we only have one swift hour before sunset in which to win them!
– Anonymous –
Pray that the brief remaining time I have in this world may be employed to the best advantage, both for the profit of my own soul and for that of others. More especially may the time spent in company be laid out for Christ, and not lost in the common-places and frivolities of ordinary conversation. May my speech be leavened with religion and yet be adapted to the peculiarities and the needs of every man, so that all offence may, when possible, be shunned, yet many be won to the faith and the following of Jesus.
– Thomas Chalmers –
from Sabbath Scripture Readings
We have in false cults a horrible picture of lost men seeking lost men to lead them to a lost eternity.
– Leonard Ravenhill –
From a secular point of view, death is a good motivator to live. However, from a Christian’s point of view, [Jesus’] life is a good motivator to lay down one’s life.
– Christopher Murray –
Let us fear to leave Him. Let us be always with Him. Let us live and die in His presence.
– Brother Lawrence –
from The Practice of the Presence of God
If the manna was to be kept in the ark, that the memory of it should be preserved, how should the death and suffering of Christ be kept in our minds as a memorial?
– Thomas Watson –
from The Lords Supper, 1665
Live so as to be missed when dead.
– Robert Murray M’Cheyne –
This is that which makes heaven to be heaven, “We shall be ever with the Lord.” (1 Thessalonians 4:17).
– Thomas Watson –
Death to self is the only entrance into the Church of the living God; and nothing but God can give this death, and that alone through the inward work of the cross of Christ by His Spirit made real in the soul.
– William Law –