One hundred religious persons knit into a unity by careful organization do no constitute a church any more than eleven dead men make a football team. The first requisite is life, always.
– AW Tozer –
One hundred religious persons knit into a unity by careful organization do no constitute a church any more than eleven dead men make a football team. The first requisite is life, always.
– AW Tozer –
You need the blood of Jesus as much now as at first. You never can stand before God in yourself. You must go again and again to be washed. Even on your dying bed, you must hide under Jehovah, our righteousness. You must also lean on Jesus. He alone can overcome the sin in you. Draw nearer and nearer to Him every day.
– Robert Murray McCheyne –
The Lord cannot forget you. If you stood before God in your own righteousness, then I see how you might be separated from His love and care. But you stand before Him in Christ, and Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. You will be held in everlasting remembrance. The world may forget you, your friends may forget you; this is a forgetting world. You may not have a tombstone over your grave, but God will not forget you.
– Robert Murray McCheyne –
Courage is almost a contradiction in terms. It means a strong desire to live, taking the form of a readiness to die.
– GK Chesterton –
You get one pass at life. That’s all. Only one. And the lasting measure of that life is Jesus Christ.
– John Piper –
Sin is, in truth, the hardest of all masters. In its service there is plenty of fair promises, but an utter dearth of performance. Its pleasures are but for a season. Its wages are sorrow, remorse, self-accusation, and too often death. They that sow to the flesh, do indeed reap corruption.
– JC Ryle –
It is not falling into water that drowns, but lying in it. It is not falling into sin that damns, but lying in it without repentance.
– Thomas Watson –
I am ready to meet God face to face tonight and look into those eyes of infinite holiness, for all my sins are covered by the atoning blood.
– RA Torrey –
(I am) resolved, never to do anything which I would be afraid to do if it were the last hour of my life.
– Jonathan Edwards –