
Peace Amidst Trouble – Thomas Watson

Peace Amidst Trouble – Thomas Watson

If God be our God, He will give us peace in trouble. When there is storm without, He will make peace within. The world can create trouble in peace, but God can create peace in trouble.

– Thomas Watson –

A Baptism of Pure Love – Samuel Logan Brengle

A Baptism of Pure Love – Samuel Logan Brengle

Do you want to know what holiness is? It is pure love. Do you want to know what the baptism of the Holy Spirit is? It is not a mere sentiment. It is not a happy sensation that passes away in a night. It is a baptism of love that brings every thought into captivity to the Lord Jesus (see 2 Cor. 10:5); casts out all fear (see 1 John 4:18); burns up doubt and unbelief as fire burns flax; makes you ‘meek and lowly in heart’ (Matt. 11:29); makes you hate uncleanness, lying and deceit, a flattering tongue, and every evil way with a perfect hatred;  makes heaven and hell eternal realities; makes you patient and gentle with the disobedient and sinful; makes you ‘pure … peaceable … open to reason, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere’ (James 3:17), and brings you into perfect and unbroken sympathy with the Lord Jesus Christ in His toil and travail to bring a lost and rebellious world back to God.

– Samuel Logan Brengle –

Shake the World – John Wesley

Shake the World – John Wesley

Give me a hundred men who fear nothing but God, and who hate nothing but sin, and who know nothing but Jesus Christ and Him crucified, and I will shake the world.

– John Wesley –

I give up all my own plans and purposes – Betty Scott Stam

I give up all my own plans and purposes – Betty Scott Stam

Lord, I give up all my own plans and purposes. All my own desires and hopes and accept Your will for my life. I give myself, my life, my all, utterly to You to be Yours forever. Fill me and seal me with Your Holy Spirit. Use me as You will, send me where you will, work out Your whole will in my life at any cost, now and forever. To me to live is Christ. Amen.

– Betty Scott Stam –

My Motto – Samuel Logan Brengle

My Motto – Samuel Logan Brengle

For the past ten years God has enabled me to keep a perfect, unbroken purpose to serve Him with my whole heart. No temptation has swerved that steadfast purpose. “HOLINESS TO THE LORD” (Exodus 28:36) has been my motto. My heart pants after Him and, as I seek Him in fervent, patient, believing prayer and in diligent searching of His Word, He is deepening the work of grace in my soul.

– Samuel Logan Brengle –