While carnal men say seeing is believing, we assure them that to us believing is seeing.
– Charles Spurgeon –
While carnal men say seeing is believing, we assure them that to us believing is seeing.
– Charles Spurgeon –
We have learned to live with unholiness and have come to look upon it as the natural and expected thing.
– AW Tozer –
Get rid of this bunkum about the “carnal Christian.” Forget it! If you’re carnal, you’re not saved.
– Leonard Ravenhill –
Do you realize this? That if you were to somehow purpose to, from this day on, perfectly please God and succeed in doing it, that that perfect obedience, from this moment, would not acquire in the remainder of your life, enough merit to atone for one past sin, because God exacts and God demands perfect obedience and there’s no merit for giving him the minimal requirement.
– Paris Reidhead –
We want the corruption of the world and yet still go to heaven. We want to be like the world with the pleasure of sin but still have the benefits of salvation. But Scripture is clear, though we are in the world, we are not to be OF the world. We are to be entirely different than the world.
– Eric Ludy –
Our modern speech is a great aid to inner hypocrisy, and it becomes a snare because it is easy to talk piously and live iniquitously.
– Oswald Chambers –
It is not what my sin is in the sight of man that I have to consider; but what it is in thy sight, O thou Holy One!—who art of purer eyes than to behold iniquity.
– Robert Candlish –
from The Prayer of a Broken Heart: Expository Discourses on Psalm 51, 1873
The neglected heart will soon be a heart overrun with worldly thoughts; the neglected life will soon become a moral chaos; the church that is not jealously protected by mighty intercession and sacrificial labors will before long become the abode of every evil bird and the hiding place for unsuspected corruption. The creeping wilderness will soon take over that church that trusts in its own strength and forgets to watch and pray.
– AW Tozer –
If missions languish, it is because the whole life of godliness is feeble. The command to go everywhere and preach to everybody is not obeyed, until the will is lost by self-surrender in the will of God. There is little right giving because there is little right living, and because of the lack of sympathetic contact with God in holiness of heart, there is a lack of effectual contact with him at the Throne of Grace. Living, praying, giving and going will always be found together, and a low standard in one means a general debility in the whole spiritual being.
– Arthur T. Pierson –