God’s Will

To Understand God You Must Resemble Him – DL Moody

Those who resemble God are the most likely to understand God. If a man is not willing to turn from sin, he will not know God’s will. God will not reveal His secrets to him. But, if a man is willing to turn from sin, he will be surprised to see how the light will come in!

– DL Moody –
from The Way to God

Be All There – Jim Elliot

Wherever you are, be all there. Live to the hilt [in] every situation you believe to be the will of God.

– Jim Elliot –
from his journals

What God Wants To Do Through Us – Oswald Chambers

If we believe in Jesus, it is not what we gain but what He pours through us that really counts. God’’s purpose is not simply to make us beautiful, plump grapes, but to make us grapes so that He may squeeze the sweetness out of us.

– Oswald Chambers –

The Will of God – AW Tozer

The only fear I have is to fear to get out of the will of God. Outside of the will of God, there’s nothing I want, and in the will of God there’s nothing I fear, for God has sworn to keep me in His will. If I’m out of his will that’s another matter. But if I’m in His will, He’s sworn to keep me.

– AW Tozer –
from Success and the Christian

The Test Is a Blazingly Holy Life – Oswald Chambers

We are saved and sanctified for God, not to be specimens in His showrooms, but for God to do with us even as he did with Jesus—make us broken bread and poured-out wine as he chooses. That is the test—not spiritual fireworks or hysterics, not fanaticism, but a blazingly holy life that confronts the horror of the world with a fierce purity—chaste physically, morally and spiritually—and this can only come about in the way it came about in the life of Our Lord.

– Oswald Chambers –

Healing Hurt by Words – Amy Carmichael

If I am content to heal a hurt slightly, saying “Peace, peace,” where is no peace; if I forget the poignant word “Let love be without dissimulation” and blunt the edge of truth, speaking not right things but smooth things, then I know nothing of Calvary love.

– Amy Carmichael –