
We Are Called to Proclaim the Simple Gospel – Charles Spurgeon

We are not called to proclaim philosophy and metaphysics, but the simple gospel. Man’s fall, his need of a new birth, forgiveness through atonement, and salvation as the result of faith, these are our battle-ax and weapons of war.

– Charles Spurgeon – 

Hear Him Bid You Go – William Booth

“Not called!” did you say?

“Not heard the call,” I think you should say.

Put your ear down to the Bible, and hear Him bid you go and pull sinners out of the fire of sin. Put your ear down to the burdened, agonized heart of humanity, and listen to its pitiful wail for help. Go stand by the gates of hell, and hear the damned entreat you to go to their father’s house and bid their brothers and sisters and servants and masters not to come there. Then look Christ in the face—whose mercy you have professed to obey—and tell Him whether you will join heart and soul and body and circumstances in the march to publish His mercy to the world.

– William Booth –

The Gospel Has Degenerated To Happiness – Ray Comfort

Instead of preaching the good news that sinners can be made righteous in Christ and escape the wrath to come, the gospel has degenerated into the pretext that we can be happy in Christ and escape the hassles of life.

– Ray Comfort –

A Social Gospel – Vance Havner

If they had a social gospel in the days of the prodigal son, somebody would have given him a bed and a sandwich and he never would have gone home.

– Vance Havner – 

Cross the Barriers – Alistair Begg

Jesus said to the apostles: “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.” This truth helps us to realize that it is our responsibility to cross the barriers of class, to cross the barriers of creed, to cross the barriers of culture, irrespective of the cost involved.

– Alistair Begg –

The Gospel Is A Fire – Dr. Gautrey

The Gospel is not an old, old story, freshly told. It is a fire in the Spirit, fed by the flame of Immortal Love; and woe unto us, if, through our negligence to stir up the Gift of God which is within us, that fire burns low.

– Dr. R. Moffat Gautrey –

The Backwards Reality of the Gospel – AW Tozer

A real Christian is an odd number, anyway. He feels supreme love for the One whom he has never seen; talks with familiarly every day to Someone he cannot see; expects to go to heaven on the virtue of Another; empties himself in order to be full; admits he is wrong so he can be declared right; goes down in order to get up; is strongest when he is weakest; richest when he is poorest and happiest when he feels the worst. He dies so he can live; forsakes in order to have; gives away so he can keep; sees the invisible; hears the inaudible’ and knows that which passeth understanding.

– AW Tozer –