
The Church and the World Can’t Jog Together – Catherine Booth

The Church and the World Can’t Jog Together – Catherine Booth

When the church and the world can jog comfortably along together, you can be sure something is wrong. The world has not compromised—its spirit is exactly the same as it ever was. If Christians were equally as faithful to the Lord, separated from the world, and living so that their lives were a reproof to all ungodliness, the world would hate them as much as it ever did. It is the church that has compromised, not the world.

– Catherine Booth –

Charles Spurgeon’s One Prayer

Charles Spurgeon’s One Prayer

I have now concentrated all my prayers into one, and that one prayer is this, that I may die to self, and live wholly to him.

– Charles H. Spurgeon –

Mirroring Christ – Robert Murray M’Cheyne

Mirroring Christ – Robert Murray M’Cheyne

Our soul should be a mirror of Christ; we should reflect every feature: for every grace in Christ there should be a counterpart in us.

– Robert Murray M’Cheyne –
from a letter he wrote February 26, 1840

Let Us Live Justly – Charles Spurgeon

Let Us Live Justly – Charles Spurgeon

Let us look to it that in all things we are just – in our trade, in our judgment of others, in our treatment of neighbors, and in our own personal character. A just God cannot bless unjust transactions.

– Charles Spurgeon –
from Faith’s Checkbook