
Working for God without knowing God – Billy Graham

Working for God without knowing God – Billy Graham

In the end there will be people who did the work of the Lord. They were busy in the church. They had done many wonderful works. But Jesus Himself says, “I never knew you” [Matthew 7:23].

– Billy Graham –

Defined by your relationship – John Oswalt

Defined by your relationship – John Oswalt

To be a Christian is defined by your relationship toward God as revealed in your conformity to God’s character … God is saying to you and to me, “Come, come walk with me. Come share My goals, share My pace, share My direction, share My walk.” … Are you a Christian? … God says, “Let me see your walk.”

– John Oswalt –

The Problem of My Will – Oswald Chambers

The Problem of My Will – Oswald Chambers

When God begins to draw me to Himself, the problem of my will comes in immediately. Will I react positively to the truth that God has revealed?

– Oswald Chambers –