Kingdom of God

Mandatory Holiness – Elisabeth Elliot

Mandatory Holiness – Elisabeth Elliot

 Holiness has never been the driving force of the majority. It is, however, mandatory for anyone who wants to enter the kingdom.

– Elisabeth Elliot –

Entering the Kingdom through tribulation – Dr. JH Jewett

Entering the Kingdom through tribulation – Dr. JH Jewett

We are not “born again” into soft and protected nurseries, but in the open country where we suck strength from the very terror of the tempest. We must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.

– Dr. JH Jewett –

Progress of God’s Kingdom – EM Bounds

Progress of God’s Kingdom – EM Bounds

When we calmly reflect upon the fact that the progress of our Lord’s kingdom is dependent upon prayer, it is sad to think that we give so little time to the holy exercise.

– EM Bounds –