Be dogmatically true, obstinately holy, immovably honest, desperately kind, fixed upright.
– Charles Spurgeon –
Be dogmatically true, obstinately holy, immovably honest, desperately kind, fixed upright.
– Charles Spurgeon –
Grace in the soul is heaven in that soul.
– Matthew Henry –
We have a God who delights in impossibilities.
– Andrew Murray –
By the time the average Christian gets his temperature up to normal, everybody thinks he has a fever!
– Watchman Nee –
Oh, for closest communion with God, till soul and body, head, face, and heart—shine with Divine brilliancy! But oh! for a holy ignorance of our shining!
– Robert Murray M’Cheyne –
A spiritual awakening is no more than God’s people seeing God in His holiness, turning from their wicked ways, and being transformed into His likeness.
– Lewis Drummond –
If then you are wise, you will show yourself rather as a reservoir than as a canal. A canal spreads abroad water as it receives it, and a reservoir waits until it is filled before overflowing, and thus without loss to itself communicates its superabundant water. In the Church at the present day we have many canals but few reservoirs.
– Bernard of Clairvaux –
True holiness is a Revival of Holiness. Personal holiness is more desirable than happiness … and it is not in heaven alone that God wants our saintliness —it is here and now; holiness is not just a doctrine to be taught, it is a way of life —it is the life of Jesus.
– Duncan Campbell –
Abide in Me says Jesus. Cling to Me. Stick fast to Me. Live the life of close and intimate communion with Me. Get nearer to Me. Roll every burden on Me. Cast your whole weight on Me. Never let go your hold on Me for a moment. Be, as it were, rooted and planted in Me. Do this and I will never fail you. I will ever abide in you.
– JC Ryle –