
Christians Who Bear Willingly the Cross for God’s Glory – Richard Wurmbrand

In a letter smuggled out secretly, the Underground Church said, “”We don’t pray to be better Christians, but that we may be the only kind of Christians God means us to be: Christlike Chris­tians, that is, Christians who bear willingly the cross for God’s glory.””

– Richard Wurmbrand –
from Tortured for Christ

Live to Die – Christopher Murray

From a secular point of view, death is a good motivator to live. However, from a Christian’s point of view, [Jesus’] life is a good motivator to lay down one’s life.

– Christopher Murray –

God Gives Us Our Daily Bread – DL Moody

If God could set a table for His people in the wilderness, and feed three millions of Israelites for forty years, can he not give us our daily bread? I do not mean only the bread that perisheth, but also the Bread that cometh from above. If He feeds the birds of the air, surely he will feed his children made in His own image! If He numbers the very hairs of our head, he will take care to supply all our temporal wants.

– DL Moody –