
The Name They Go By – Charles Spurgeon

A boy in the streets, selling mince-pies, kept crying, ““Hot mince-pies!”” A person bought one of them, and found it quite cold. “”Boy,”” said he, “”why do you call these pies hot?”” ““That’s the name they go by, sir,”” said the boy. So there are plenty of people who are called Christians, but they are not Christians——that’s the name they go by; but all the substance is drained out of them by other matters.

– Charles Spurgeon –

Cool & Relevant in a Dying World – Eric Ludy

We’ve been so concerned about being cool, relevant, and fun that we have forgotten to be bread, light, and life to a hungry, dark, and dying world.

– Eric Ludy –
from The Bravehearted Gospel

Let Your Christianity Be Unmistakable – JC Ryle

Let your Christianity be so unmistakable, your eye so single, your heart so whole, your whole so straightforward, that all who see you may have no doubt Whose you are and Whom you serve.

– JC Ryle –