The world out there is not waiting for a new definition of Christianity; it’s waiting for a new demonstration of Christianity.
– Leonard Ravenhill –
The world out there is not waiting for a new definition of Christianity; it’s waiting for a new demonstration of Christianity.
– Leonard Ravenhill –
When the day of recompense comes, our only regret will be that we have done so little for Him, not that we have done too much.
– George Müller –
Lord, I give up all my own plans and purposes. All my own desires and hopes and accept Your will for my life. I give myself, my life, my all, utterly to You to be Yours forever. Fill me and seal me with Your Holy Spirit. Use me as You will, send me where you will, work out Your whole will in my life at any cost, now and forever. To me to live is Christ. Amen.
– Betty Scott Stam –
The ultimate goal of Jesus for His disciples was that His life be reproduced in them, and through them into the lives of others.
– Robert Coleman –
To be a Christian is defined by your relationship toward God as revealed in your conformity to God’s character … God is saying to you and to me, “Come, come walk with me. Come share My goals, share My pace, share My direction, share My walk.” … Are you a Christian? … God says, “Let me see your walk.”
– John Oswalt –
The question for each man to settle is not what he would do for the Lord if he had more money, time or education, but what he will do with the things he has. It’s not who you are or what you have that matters—but whether Christ controls you.
– Dawson Trotman –
Live to be forgotten, so Christ can be remembered.
– DE Hoste –
You can never learn that Christ is all you need, until Christ is all you have.
– Corrie ten Boom –
Every now and then God prunes us. He thwarts our purposes.
– Elisabeth Elliot –