O Spend your time as you would hear of it in the Judgment!
– Richard Baxter –
O Spend your time as you would hear of it in the Judgment!
– Richard Baxter –
Lord, use our lives to stimulate in others a desire for you.
– Stephen Manley –
Where your pleasure is, there is your treasure. Where your treasure is, there is your heart. Where your heart is, there is your happiness.
– Augustine –
354-430 AD
God abhors Godly speech which is not joined with a Godly life (Psalm 50:16-17).
– William Perkins –
Our seminaries today are turning out dead men.
– Leonard Ravenhill –
What is the secret to great living? Entire separation to Christ and devotion to Him. Thus speaks every man and woman whose life has made more than a passing flicker in the spiritual realm. It is the life that has no time for trifling that counts.
– Amy Carmichael –
Religion can reform a person’s life, but it can never transform him. Only the Holy Spirit can transform!
– AW Tozer –
Jesus has no intention of helping anyone live a better life. He only had one intention and that is to totally kill you. And then live in your place. That is the only deal on the table.
– Alan Vincent –
The Christian’s life is a matchless riddle. No worldling can understand it. Dead, yet alive! Crucified with Christ, and yet at the same time Risen with Christ in newness of life! Union with the suffering, bleeding Saviour, and death to the world and sin, are soul-cheering things. O for more enjoyment of them.
– Charles Spurgeon –