
The secret to great living – Amy Carmichael

The secret to great living – Amy Carmichael

What is the secret to great living? Entire separation to Christ and devotion to Him. Thus speaks every man and woman whose life has made more than a passing flicker in the spiritual realm. It is the life that has no time for trifling that counts.

– Amy Carmichael –

The only deal on the table – Alan Vincent

The only deal on the table – Alan Vincent

Jesus has no intention of helping anyone live a better life. He only had one intention and that is to totally kill you. And then live in your place. That is the only deal on the table.

– Alan Vincent –

The riddle of the Christian life – Charles Spurgeon

The riddle of the Christian life – Charles Spurgeon

The Christian’s life is a matchless riddle. No worldling can understand it. Dead, yet alive! Crucified with Christ, and yet at the same time Risen with Christ in newness of life! Union with the suffering, bleeding Saviour, and death to the world and sin, are soul-cheering things. O for more enjoyment of them.

– Charles Spurgeon –

A Rare Christian – AW Tozer

A Rare Christian – AW Tozer

There are rare Christians whose very presence incites other to be better Christians. I want to be that rare Christian.

– AW Tozer –

What Do You Count Necessary? – Joseph Alleine

What Do You Count Necessary? – Joseph Alleine

It was a saying of the noble Roman when he has hasting with corn to the city in the famine and mariners were loath to set sail in foul weather, “It is necessary for us to sail—it is not necessary for us to live.” What is it that you count necessary?

– Joseph Alleine –
from A Sure Guide to Heaven, 1671