
Love God, Not the World – Thomas a Kempis

Call often to mind that proverb, “That the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing” (Ecclesiastes 1:8). Endeavor therefore to withdraw thy heart from the love of visible things, and to turn thyself to the invisible. For they that follow their sensuality, do stain their own consciences, and lose the favour of God.

– Thomas a Kempis –
from  The Imitation of Christ


Love Should Be the Silver Thread – JC Ryle

Love should be the silver thread that runs through all your conduct. Kindness, gentleness, long-suffering, forbearance, patience, sympathy, a willingness to enter into childish troubles, a readiness to take part in childish joys, — these are the cords by which a child may be led most easily, — these are the clues you must follow if you would find the way to his heart.

– JC Ryle –
from The Duties of Parents

From Love to God Springs Love to Man – Jonathan Edwards

From love to God springs love to man, as says the apostle “Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born of God, and everyone who loves the Father loves whoever has been born of him.” (1 John 5:1) Have we this love to all who are the children of God?

– Jonathan Edwards –
from Charity and its Fruits 

Demonstrate Love in the Small Things – George MacDonald

The things most readily to be done – those that lie not at the doorstep but on the very table of a man’s mind – are often the most neglected and overlooked. Can a man become strong in righteousness without learning to perform ordinary acts of kindness for his neighbor? Will a man climb the last flight of the stair when he has never set foot on the lowest step? Could it be that the Lord, who demands high virtue of us, tests us first in little tasks before he entrusts to us bigger ones?

He who demonstrates love in the small things demonstrates love in all things. He who will do it only in great things, who neglects “small acts” and tasks, does not truly understand the nature of God’s love.

– George MacDonald –
from The Best of George MacDonald

Christianity in Practical Working Order – Oswald Chambers

How as God loved me? God has loved me to the end of all my sinfulness, the end of all my self-will, all my selfishness, all my stiffneckedness, all my pride, all my self-interest; now He says – “love one another, as I have loved you.” I am to show to my fellow-men the same love that God showed to me. That is Christianity in practical working order.

– Oswald Chambers –

Do This When You Get a Blessing From God – Oswald Chambers

Whenever you get a blessing from God, give it back to him as a love gift. … Offer the blessing back to him in a deliberate act of worship. If you hoard a thing for yourself, it will turn into spiritual dry rot, as the manna did when it was hoarded. God will never let you hold a spiritual thing for yourself; it has to be given back to him that he may make it a blessing to others.

– Oswald Chambers –