God uses men who are weak and feeble enough to lean on him.
– Hudson Taylor –
God uses men who are weak and feeble enough to lean on him.
– Hudson Taylor –
Catch on fire with enthusiasm and people will come for miles to watch you burn.
– John Wesley –
Any church that is not seriously involved in helping fulfill the Great Commission has forfeited its biblical right to exist.
– Oswald J. Smith –
The man who will present Christ to others must be occupied with Christ for Himself.
– CH Mackintosh –
Preach the gospel, die, and be forgotten.
– Count Zinzendorf –
Jesus’ mission is not to make converts, and it never has been. His mission is to make disciples.
– Jim Putnam –
It is no use walking anywhere to preach unless our walking is our preaching.
– Francis of Assisi –
God has not promised to bless our good motives, dreams and innovation. He has promised to bless His plan, that plan is that disciples make other disciples—everything else is a sideshow.
– Bill Hull –
People may refuse to see the truth of our arguments, but they cannot evade the evidence of a holy life.
– JC Ryle –