The man who will present Christ to others must be occupied with Christ for Himself.
– CH Mackintosh –
The man who will present Christ to others must be occupied with Christ for Himself.
– CH Mackintosh –
Preach the gospel, die, and be forgotten.
– Count Zinzendorf –
Jesus’ mission is not to make converts, and it never has been. His mission is to make disciples.
– Jim Putnam –
It is no use walking anywhere to preach unless our walking is our preaching.
– Francis of Assisi –
God has not promised to bless our good motives, dreams and innovation. He has promised to bless His plan, that plan is that disciples make other disciples—everything else is a sideshow.
– Bill Hull –
People may refuse to see the truth of our arguments, but they cannot evade the evidence of a holy life.
– JC Ryle –
In no other way can the believer become as fully involved with God’s work, especially the work of world evangelism, as in intercessory prayer.
– Dick Eastman –
Discipleship is at the same time a character revolution and a worldwide strategy. It is a strategy that requires depth as a perquisite for reproduction and multiplication.
– Bill Hull –
In the end there will be people who did the work of the Lord. They were busy in the church. They had done many wonderful works. But Jesus Himself says, “I never knew you” [Matthew 7:23].
– Billy Graham –