Modern Church

Are You Preaching the REAL Gospel? – Ray Comfort

Instead of preaching the good news that sinners can be made righteous in Christ and escape the wrath to come, the gospel has degenerated into the pretext that we can be happy in Christ and escape the hassles of life.

– Ray Comfort –

Not Surprised in These Days – Andrew Strom

Now, it should not surprise us that there are strong deceptions or “powerful delusions” around today, for this is exactly what the Scriptures predict will happen. All the way through the New Testament we are warned of these days—over and over again.

– Andrew Strom –

God’s Call is Not for a Large Church – Jim Cymbala

God nowhere asks anyone to have a large church. He only calls us to do his work, proclaiming his Word to people he loves under anointing power of the Holy Spirit to produce results that only he can bring about.

– Jim Cymbala –