Modern Church

The Necessity of Prayer in Ministry – Chip Brogden

Unless we have invested a great deal of time in our secret ministry to the Lord then the shallowness of our public ministry will be very evident. Today it is abundantly clear that not enough time is spent ministering to the Lord, and way too much time is spent ministering to people; hence, most of what is done in the name of ministry is performed in a fleshly, human way which never bears any lasting fruit.

– Chip Brogden –

Modern “santa claus” Religion – Oliver B. Greene

The only reason some of us are not exiled or thrown into prison is simply because we do not preach as fervently and as sternly as did Paul, John, Peter and others. This modern “santa claus” religion that is sweeping country today is not the religion Jesus taught and John practiced.

– Oliver B. Greene –

Getting Use to the Dark – Vance Havner

They tell us now even in some evangelical circles that we ought to hobnob with Sodom and get chummy with Gomorrah in order to convert them … and these dear people are not turning the light on in Sodom, they’re just getting used to the dark.

– Vance Havner –

Satan is Joining Churches – Vance Havner

Satan is not fighting churches; he is joining them. He does more harm by sowing tares than by pulling up wheat. He accomplishes more by imitation than by outright opposition.

– Vance Havner –