God’s Nature

Sensitive to the Lord’s presence – AW Tozer

Do you find your own heart sensitive to the Lord’s presence, or are you among those who are “samplers” and “nibblers”? God help you if you are, for the child of the King isn’t a sampler and a nibbler—he’s a sheep who loves his Shepherd, and he stays close to his Shepherd. That’s the only safe place for a sheep—at the Shepherd’s side, because the devil doesn’t fear sheep—he just fears the Shepherd. Your spiritual safety and well-being lies in being near to the Shepherd. Stay close to Jesus and all of the wolves in the world cannot get a tooth in you.

– AW Tozer –
from Tozer Speaks, Volume One, vol. 2 (Chicago, IL: WingSpread, 2010), 21–22.

Let nothing disturb you – Teresa of Avila

Let nothing disturb you – Teresa of Avila

Let nothing disturb you. Let nothing frighten you. All things pass away. God is unchangeable. Patience gains everything. He who clings to God wants nothing. God alone is sufficient.

– Teresa of Avila –

God uses broken things – Vance Havner

God uses broken things – Vance Havner

God uses broken things. It takes broken soil to produce a crop, broken clouds to give rain, broken grain to give bread, broken bread to give strength. It is the broken alabaster box that gives forth perfume . . . it is Peter, weeping bitterly, who returns to greater power than ever.

– Vance Havner –

God’s Holy Love – Thomas Oden

God’s Holy Love – Thomas Oden

God’s holiness is not an unloving holiness, and God’s love is not an unholy love. It is only by keeping these two primary moral qualities of the divine being closely related that we may rightly behold the character of God.

– Thomas Oden –