How many people have you made homesick for God?
– Oswald Chambers –
How many people have you made homesick for God?
– Oswald Chambers –
The great danger facing all of us…is not that we shall make an absolute failure of life, nor that we shall fall into outright viciousness, nor that we shall be terribly unhappy, nor that we shall feel (that) life has no meaning at all – not these things. The danger is that we may fail to perceive life’s greatest meaning, fall short of its highest good, miss its deepest and most abiding happiness, be unable to tender the most needed service, be unconscious of life ablaze with the light of the Presence of God – and be content to have it so – that is the danger. That someday we may wake up and find that always we have been busy with husks and trappings of life and have really missed life itself. For life without God, to one who has known the richness and joy of life with Him, is unthinkable, impossible. That is what one prays one’s friends may be spared – satisfaction with a life that falls short of the best, that has in it no tingle or thrill that comes from a friendship with the Father.
– Phillips Brooks –
God has always sought a humble people. He can use no other…There is always much need of heart preparation, in humility and separation, before God can consistently come. The depth of any revival will be determined exactly by the spirit of repentance that is obtained. In fact this is key to every true revival born of God
– Frank Bartlemen –
True Christian unity is one of the greatest, one of the grandest, one of the most glorious, one of the divinest, one of the most beneficent things on earth. It is the life of God the Father and the Son reproduced in the Church. It greatly delights the heart of God.
– RA Torrey –
There are disasters to be faced by the one who is in real fellowship with the Lord Jesus Christ. God has never promised to keep us immune from trouble; He says “I will be with him in trouble,” which is a very different thing.
– Oswald Chambers –
Our Lord’s first obedience was the will of His Father, not to the needs of men. The saving of men was the natural outcome of His obedience to the Father.
– Oswald Chambers –
God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s supplies.
– Hudson Taylor –
If anything was done in it that glorifies Christ, it had to be from Him. I was just … went along for the joy and pleasure trip.
– Paris Reidhead –
So many of us limit our praying because we are not reckless in our confidence in God.
– Oswald Chambers –