God’s Nature

Christianity in Practical Working Order – Oswald Chambers

How as God loved me? God has loved me to the end of all my sinfulness, the end of all my self-will, all my selfishness, all my stiffneckedness, all my pride, all my self-interest; now He says – “love one another, as I have loved you.” I am to show to my fellow-men the same love that God showed to me. That is Christianity in practical working order.

– Oswald Chambers –

God Became the Weakest Thing We Know – Oswald Chambers

The essential nature of Deity is holiness, and the power of God is proved in his becoming a Baby. That is the staggering proposition the Bible gives—God became the weakest thing we know. … The tremendous revelation of Christianity is not the Fatherhood of God, but the Babyhood of God – God became the weakest thing in His own creation, and in flesh and blood He levered it back to where it was intended to be. No one helped Him; it was done absolutely by God manifest in human flesh. God has undertaken not only to repair the damage, but in Jesus Christ the human race is put in a better condition than when it was originally designed.

– Oswald Chambers –

August 18, 2015

They who pray not, know nothing of God, and know nothing of the state of their own souls.

– Adam Clarke –

July 24, 2015

Jesus was God and man in one person, that God and man might be happy together again.

– George Whitefield – 

June 14, 2015

The spirit of Christ is the spirit of missions. The nearer we get to Him, the more intensely missionary we become.

– Henry Martyn –
Missionary to India and Persia

April 26, 2015

How as God loved me?  God has loved me to the end of all my sinfulness, the end of all my self-will, all my selfishness, all my stiffneckedness, all my pride, all my self-interest; now He says – “love one another, as I have loved you.”  I am to show to my fellow-men the same love that God showed to me.  That is Christianity in practical working order.
– Oswald Chambers –

April 23, 2015

God is true to the laws of His own nature, not to my way of expounding how He works.

– Oswald Chambers –

April 9, 2015

Jesus had only three years to accomplish His life-work. If we remember how quickly three years in an ordinary life pass away, and how little at their close there usually is to show for them, we shall see what must have been the size and quality of life, which in so marvelously short a time made such a deep and ineffaceable impression on the world and left to mankind such a heritage of truth and influence.

– James Stalker –
from The Life of Jesus Christ, 1880

April 5, 2015

I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.

– Jesus –
John 11:25-26