
Where Wisdom May Be Found – Charles Spurgeon

There is more wisdom in a quarter of an hour’s prayer than there is in a quarter of a year’s consultation with friends. Oftentimes when we have sought counsel of the living God he has befriended us. When we have left things with him, we have always gone wisely. Oh, how he can make the most crooked thing that ever did happen suddenly turn out to be the very straightest thing that ever occurred for our welfare. I know that sometimes I have puzzled my head about some difficulty in my Master’s service — asked opinions of lots of people, like a stupid, and I have gone home with any head aching in deeper uncertainty than ever what to do. And I have never discovered how to unravel a knotty point by my own ingenuity, but I have always found that when I at last bowed the knee, and said, “Heavenly Father, it is rather thy business than mine; it is quite beyond me, and I now leave it in thy hands to guide me,” … it has gone all right. If I had maneuvered to manage it for myself it would have gone wrong enough.

– Charles Spurgeon –

August 14, 2015

I don’t budge just because the devil growls.

– Chad Mann –

July 16, 2015

Never let us be guilty of sacrificing any portion of truth on the altar of peace.

– JC Ryle –

May 15, 2015

With complete consecration comes perfect peace.

– Watchman Nee –