
Prayer is the remedy – JC Ryle

Prayer is the remedy – JC Ryle

Prayer is the surest remedy against the devil and besetting sins. That sin will never stand firm which is heartily prayed against. That devil will never long keep dominion over us which we beseech the Lord to cast forth. But then we must spread out all our case before our heavenly Physician, if he is to give us daily relief.

– JC Ryle –
from A Call to Prayer

Let the power of Christ rest on me – Thomas Chalmers

Let the power of Christ rest on me – Thomas Chalmers

My God, Thou knowest my infirmities; and Thou knowest my desire to overcome them. Send forth Thy Spirit to help me in this warfare. Give me wisdom, O God, and the meekness of wisdom. Let the power of Christ rest upon me.

– Thomas Chalmers –

Paul’s greatest weapon – EM Bounds

Paul’s greatest weapon – EM Bounds

Paul was a leader by appointment and by universal recognition and acceptance. He had many mighty forces in this ministry. His conversion, so conspicuous and radical was a great force, a perfect magazine of aggressive and defensive warfare. His call to the apostleship was clear, luminous and convincing. But these forces were not the divinest energies which brought forth the largest results to his ministry. Paul’s course was more distinctly shaped and his career rendered more powerfully successful by prayer than by any other force.

– EM Bounds –