
Prayer is the remedy – JC Ryle

Prayer is the remedy – JC Ryle

Prayer is the surest remedy against the devil and besetting sins. That sin will never stand firm which is heartily prayed against. That devil will never long keep dominion over us which we beseech the Lord to cast forth. But then we must spread out all our case before our heavenly Physician, if he is to give us daily relief.

– JC Ryle –
from A Call to Prayer

Dependent on prayer – EM Bounds

Dependent on prayer – EM Bounds

“Brethren, pray for us” (1 Thessalonians 5:25).

If Paul was so dependent on the prayers of God’s saints to give his ministry success, how much more important is it that the prayers of God’s saints be centered on the ministry of today!

– EM Bounds –

Give ourselves to prayer – Andrew Murray

Give ourselves to prayer – Andrew Murray

Let us give ourselves to be intercessors. Let us cry with importunity to God when we see people who need help, when the spirit of compassion stirs within us, when we feel our own powerlessness to help, or when we see obstacles in the way of our getting an answer. God alone can help. And in answer to our prayers, He will help.

– Andrew Murray – 
from The Ministry of Intercession

My Motto – Samuel Logan Brengle

My Motto – Samuel Logan Brengle

For the past ten years God has enabled me to keep a perfect, unbroken purpose to serve Him with my whole heart. No temptation has swerved that steadfast purpose. “HOLINESS TO THE LORD” (Exodus 28:36) has been my motto. My heart pants after Him and, as I seek Him in fervent, patient, believing prayer and in diligent searching of His Word, He is deepening the work of grace in my soul.

– Samuel Logan Brengle –