
Seeking God’s Direction and Will – George Müller

If no immediate choice has to be made, one should wait. The Lord orders our stops as well as our steps. When the time comes that a decision must be made, one can proceed in the direction that seems best. As you conscientiously seek His guidance, He will not let you make a wrong choice.

– George Müller –

Why Our Prayers Are Often Ineffective and Powerless – Unknown Christian

Are not our prayers so often ineffective and powerless—and sometimes even prayerless—becuase we rush unthinkingly and unpreparedly into God’s presence, without realizing the majesty and glory of the God whom we are approaching, and without reflecting upon the exceeding great riches of his glory in Christ Jesus, which we hope to draw upon? We must “think magnificently of God.”

– Unknown Christian –
from The Kneeling Christian

Satan Dreads Nothing But Prayer – Samuel Chadwick

Satan dreads nothing but prayer … The one concern of the devil is to keep the saints from praying. He fears nothing from prayerless studies, prayerless work, and prayerless religion. He laughs at our toil, mocks at our wisdom, but trembles when we pray.

– Samuel Chadwick –

What the Pulpit Needs and Must Have – EM Bounds

The unction, the divine unction, this heavenly anointing, is what the pulpit needs and must have. This divine and heavenly oil put on it by the imposition of God’s hand must soften and lubricate the whole man—heart, head, spirit—until it separates him with a mighty separation from all earthly, secular, worldly, selfish motives and aims, separating him to everything that is pure and Godlike.

– EM Bounds –

How Important Do We Consider Prayer – Unknown Christian

Do we spend ten minutes a day in prayer? Do we consider it important enough for that? Ten minutes a day on our knees in prayer—when the Kingdom of heaven can be had for the asking!

Why, the wonder is not that we pray so little, but that we can ever get up from our knees if we realize our own need; the needs of our home and our loved ones; the needs of our pastor and the Church; the needs of our city—of our country—of the heathen and Mohammedan world! All these needs can be met by the riches of God in Christ Jesus.

– Unknown Christian –
from The Kneeling Christian

Pray Without Ceasing – Oswald Chambers

“Pray without ceasing” (I Thessalonians 5:17). Keep the child-like habit of continually exclaiming in your heart to God, recognize and rely on the Holy Spirit all the time. Inarticulate prayer, the impulsive prayer that looks so futile, is the thing God always heeds. The apostolic habit ought to be the persistent habit of each one of us.

– Oswald Chambers – 
from If You Will Ask 

Need Time Alone With God – Austen Phelps

It has been said, that no great work in literature or in science was ever wrought by a man who did not love solitude. We may lay it down as an elemental principle of religion, that no large growth in holiness was ever gained, by one who did not take time to be often, and long, alone with God.

– Austen Phelps –
from The Still Hour: Communion with God in Prayer, 1859

How You Can Know How Spiritual You Are – Leonard Ravenhill

Not how many meetings you go to.
Not how many gifts you have.
Not how many sermons you preach.
Not how many records you’ve made.
Tell me what time you spend alone with God …
and I’ll tell you how spiritual you are.

– Leonard Ravenhill –