
December 2, 2014

Satan trembles when he sees the weakest Christian on his knees.

– William Cowper –

November 19, 2014

So, Beloved, the Holy Spirit is with us and when we take His Book and begin to read and want to know what it means, we must ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the meaning. He will not work a miracle, but He will elevate our minds and He will suggest to us thoughts which will lead us on, by their natural relation, the one to the other, till at last we come to the pith and marrow of His Divine Instruction. Seek, then, very earnestly the guidance of the Holy Spirit, for if the very soul of reading is the understanding of what we read, then we must, in prayer, call upon the Holy Spirit to unlock the secret mysteries of the Inspired Word.

– Charles Spurgeon –

November 7, 2014

What we have done out of love to Christ; what we have offered through His mediation; what has been perfumed by faith in His Person becomes acceptable! God looks upon anything we say, or anything we do, and if He sees Christ in it, He accepts it; but if there is no Christ, He puts it away as a foul thing. See to it then, Beloved, that you never pray a prayer which is not sweetened with Christ. I would never preach a sermon—the Lord forgive me if I do—which is not full to overflowing with my Master.

– Charles Spurgeon –

October 31, 2014

Prayer alone will overcome the gigantic difficulties which confront the workers in every field.

– John R. Mott –

October 30, 2014

Prayer is action. By it we step out in advance of all other results . . . Praying is an activity upon which all others depend. By prayer we establish a beachhead for the kingdom among peoples where it has never been before. Prayer strikes the winning blow. All other missionary efforts simply gather up the fruits of our praying.

– David Bryant –

October 29, 2014

Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire?

– Corrie Ten Boom –

October 27, 2014

God sees us in secret, therefore, let, us seek his face in secret.

–  Thomas Brooks –

October 21, 2014

Without prayer, even though there may be increased interest in missions, more work for them, better success in organization and greater finances, the real growth of the spiritual life and of the love of Christ in the people may be very small.

– Andrew Murray –

October 20, 2014

When we rely upon organization, we get what organization can do; when we rely upon education, we get what education can do; when we rely upon eloquence, we get what eloquence can do. And so on. But when we rely upon prayer, we get what God can do.

– AC Dixon –