
August 14, 2013

Prayer will make a man cease from sin, or sin will entice a man to cease from prayer.

– John Bunyan –

August 6, 2013

Prayer – secret, fervent, believing prayer – lies at the root of all personal godliness.

– William Carey –

July 25, 2013

See to it that we pray more than we preach and we will never preach ourselves out.

– AW Tozer –

July 20, 2013

Prayer alone will overcome the gigantic difficulties which confront the workers in every field.

– John R. Mott –

July 18, 2013

We are too busy to pray, and so we are too busy to have power. We have a great deal of activity, but we accomplish little; many services but few conversions; much machinery but few results.

– RA Torrey –

July 10, 2013

The history of missions is a history of prayer. Everything vital to the success of the world’s evangelization hinges on prayer.

– John R. Mott –

May 30, 2013

Prayer is the highest activity of the human soul, and therefore it is at the same time the ultimate test of a man’s true spiritual condition (there is nothing so much as prayer life that tells the truth about us as Christian people). Everything we do in the Christian life is easier than prayer.

– Martyn Lloyd-Jones –

May 24, 2013

An earthbound, earth-satisfied spirit cannot pray. In such a heart, the flame of spiritual desire is either gone out or smoldering in faintest glow. The wings of its faith are clipped, its eyes are filmed, its tongue silenced. But they, who in unswerving faith and unceasing prayer, wait continually upon the Lord, do renew their strength, do mount up with wings as eagles, do run, and are not weary, do walk, and not faint.

 – EM Bounds –

May 21, 2013

I have prayed for new men, fiery, reckless men, possessed of uncontrollably youthful passion – these lit by the Spirit of God.
I have prayed for new words, explosive, direct, simple words. I have prayed for new miracles. Explaining old miracles will not do. If God is to be known as the God who does wonders in heaven and earth, then God must produce for this generation. Lord, fill preachers and preaching with Thy power. How long dare we go on without tears, without moral passions, hatred and love? Not long, I pray, Lord Jesus, not long …

– Jim Elliot –