
Prayer Will Become Effective When … – AW Tozer

Have you noticed how much praying for revival has been going on of late – and how little revival has resulted? I believe the problem is that we have been trying to substitute praying for obeying, and it simply will not work. To pray for revival while ignoring the plain precept laid down in Scripture is to waste a lot of words and get nothing for our trouble. Prayer will become effective when we stop using it as a substitute for obedience.

– AW Tozer –

Heaven-sent revival – David Smithers

We need a Heaven-sent revival, a burning fire from on high, A purifying passion and a forsaking of our stubborn pride. We need a vision of eternity, of Hell and the Judgment Day, A fervent love for our Savior, that will gladly serve and obey. We need a Pentecostal purging and a breaking deep within, A vision of God Almighty and a river of tears for our nation’s sin. We need a Heaven-sent revival, a burning fire set ablaze. Yet, we’ll never see such glory, until the Church begins to pray

– David Smithers –

Eternity Meant Everything – Oswald J. Smith

In the Irish Revival of 1859, people became so weak that they could not get back to their homes. Men and women would fall by the wayside and would be found hours later pleading with God to save their souls. They felt that they were slipping into hell and that nothing else in life mattered but to get right with God. … To them eternity meant everything. Nothing else was of any consequence. They felt that if God did not have mercy on them and save them, they were doomed for all time to come.

– Oswald J. Smith –

Oh, For the Old Fire Again – Charles Spurgeon

Oh, for the old fire again! The Church will never prosper till it comes once more. Oh, for the old fanaticism, for that indeed was the Spirit of God making men’s spirits in earnest! Oh, for the old doing and daring that risked everything and cared for nothing, except to glorify him who shed his blood upon the cross! May we live to see such bright and holy days again!

– Charles Spurgeon –

Christ’s soldiers – Catherine Booth

Christ’s soldiers must be imbued with the spirit of war. Love to the King and concern of His interests must be the master passion of the soul… If the hearts of the Christians of this generation were inspired with this spirit and set on winning the world for God, we should soon see the nations shaken to their center, and millions of souls translated into the Kingdom.

– Catherine Booth –