A man can not lead others where he is not willing to go himself … Only a seeking, praying heart can truly encourage spiritual HUNGER in others!
– David Smithers –
A man can not lead others where he is not willing to go himself … Only a seeking, praying heart can truly encourage spiritual HUNGER in others!
– David Smithers –
Troublous times, departures from the faith, evil men waxing worse and worse, love waxing cold, are things distinctly predicted.
– JC Ryle –
Hell is larger today than it was yesterday, because many of us have failed to pray.
– David Smithers –
People take salvation today in such a cold, formal, matter-of-fact, business-like sort of way, that it appears as though they are doing God an honor in condescending to receive His offer of Redemption. Their eyes are dry, their sense of sin absent; nor is there any sign of penitence and contrition … But oh, if there were conviction! if they came with hearts bowed down, yea! broken and contrite, came with the cry of the guilt-laden soul: “God be merciful to me a sinner!”—came trembling with the burning life and death question of the Philippian jailor: “What must I do to be saved ?”—what converts they would be!
– Oswald J. Smith –
The coming revival must begin with a great revival of prayer. It is in the closet, with the door shut, that the sound of abundance of rain will first be heard.
– Andrew Murray –
It is easier to speak about revival than to set about it.
– Horatius Bonar –
A revival of real praying would produce a spiritual revolution.
– EM Bounds –
Truly, I am content with what God has given me in all points, except that I long for more of Christ! I could sit down happy if I knew that my portion in the house and in the field would never grow—but I am famished to have more of my Lord!
– Charles Spurgeon –
The essence of this mystery is Christ, Himself. In these days certain would-be wise men are laboriously attempting to constitute a church without Christ and to set forth a salvation without a Savior. But their Babel building is as a bowing wall and a tottering fence. The center of the blessed mystery of the Gospel is Christ, Himself, in His Person. What a wonderful conception it was that the infinite God should take upon Himself the nature of man! It never would have occurred to men that such a condescension would be thought of!
– Charles Spurgeon –