
April 1, 2014

Their eyes are dry, their sense of sin absent; nor is there any sign of penitence and contrition … But oh, if there were conviction! if they came with hearts bowed down, yea! broken and contrite, came with the cry of the guilt-laden soul … what converts they would be!

– Oswald J. Smith –

March 27, 2014

When the conviction as to its mental process reaches its crisis, the person, through weakness, is unable to sit or stand, and either kneels or lies down. A great number of convicted persons in this town and neighborhood, and now I believe in all directions in the north where the Revival prevails, are “smitten down”… They fall with a deep groan… with the intensely earnest plea, “Lord Jesus, have mercy on my soul!”

– The Irish Revival, 1859 –

March 16, 2014

The law and the gospel are two keys. The law is the key that shutteth up all men under condemnation, and the gospel is the key which opens the door and lets them out.

– William Tyndale –

March 6, 2014

You must preach God’s justice and vengeance against sin as well as his love for the sinner. You must preach hell as well as heaven. You must let your Gospel match the intuition of humanity or you may as well throw it into the sea, and thus save both trouble and money. A Gospel of love never matched anybody’s soul. The great want in this day is truth that cuts – convicting truth – truth that convicts and convinces the sinner, and pulls off the bandages from his eyes.

– Catherine Booth –

March 4, 2014

A heart ready to melt at the sight of human suffering and need is necessary to successful soul-winning … Where there is no real soul-burden for sinners, there will be no revival. The early Church travailed in pain for the souls of dying men.

– JW Mahood –

February 19, 2014

My Lord was pleased to die for my sins; why should I not be glad to give up my poor life out of love for Him.

– Girolamo Savanarola –

February 12, 2014

Christ’s soldiers must be imbued with the spirit of war. Love to the King and concern of His interests must be the master passion of the soul … If the hearts of the Christians of this generation were inspired with this spirit and set on winning the world for God, we should soon see the nations shaken to their center, and millions of souls translated into the Kingdom.

– Catherine Booth –

February 11, 2014

Do not wait until you enter into temptation to ask for the help of Jesus. But let your life beforehand always be through Jesus. Let His nearness be your one desire. Jesus saves from sin, and to have Jesus is salvation from sin. Oh, that we could rightly understand this! The saving from sin is not an occasional event … When Jesus fills me, when Jesus is all for me, sin has no hold on me.

– Andrew Murray –

February 6, 2014

There are only two kinds of persons: those dead in sin and those dead to sin.

– Leonard Ravenhill –