
We Must Be Clean People – AW Tozer

I do not preach any new truth. I do not have any new doctrine … We must have a revival that will mean purity of heart as a normal standard for everybody. We must be clean people, and not only clean outside.

– AW Tozer –

How to Grow in Holiness – Andrew Murray

Nowhere can we get to know the holiness of God, and come under His influence and power, except in the inner chamber. It has been well said: “No man can expect to make progress in holiness who is not often and long alone with God.”

– Andrew Murray –

Different From the Rest of Mankind – Richard Baxter

That this Spirit is given to all true believers is evident by the effects of his being given. They have ends, affections, and lives different from the rest of mankind; they live upon the hopes of a better life, and their heavenly interest overrules all the opposite interest of this world. In order to this they live under the conduct of divine authority, and to obey and please God is the great business of their lives.

– Richard Baxter –
from Dying Thoughts, 1683

Bitterness in Weeping for Sin – Thomas Watson

We are to find as much bitterness in weeping for sin as ever we found sweetness in committing it. Surely David found more bitterness in repenting then he ever found comfort in Bathsheba.

– Thomas Watson –
from The Doctrine of Repentance, 1668