The Cross

The only deal on the table – Alan Vincent

The only deal on the table – Alan Vincent

Jesus has no intention of helping anyone live a better life. He only had one intention and that is to totally kill you. And then live in your place. That is the only deal on the table.

– Alan Vincent –

The seriousness of sin – Tony Reinke

The seriousness of sin – Tony Reinke

Christ’s blood reveals the seriousness of our sin. We insurrected the king. We defiled His glory. We deserve His wrath, and Christ absorbed it.

– Tony Reinke –

The riddle of the Christian life – Charles Spurgeon

The riddle of the Christian life – Charles Spurgeon

The Christian’s life is a matchless riddle. No worldling can understand it. Dead, yet alive! Crucified with Christ, and yet at the same time Risen with Christ in newness of life! Union with the suffering, bleeding Saviour, and death to the world and sin, are soul-cheering things. O for more enjoyment of them.

– Charles Spurgeon –

The Greatness of His Sufferings – John Bunyan

The Greatness of His Sufferings – John Bunyan

For my part, I stand amazed at those that would not have the world believe, that the death of Jesus Christ was, in itself, so terrible as it was. …I say, if Christ was put into the very capacity of one that must suffer what in justice ought to be inflicted for sin; then, how we can so diminish the greatness of his sufferings, as some do, without undervaluing of the greatness of his love, I know not; and how they will answer it, I know not. 

– John Bunyan –
from All Loves Excelling, 1692

The Way of Christ – Amy Carmichael

The Way of Christ – Amy Carmichael

Are we going in the way Christ has gone, or are we only talking and praying and singing about it?  What about likes and dislikes? What about choices? What about Self? Christ’s way is the way that says “No” to the “I” that rises up so often and in its many different disguises. “If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself (say “No” to himself), and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.” 

– Amy Carmichael –

Christ Left Us His Peace – Matthew Henry

Christ Left Us His Peace – Matthew Henry

[When] Christ died, He left a will in which He gave His soul to His Father, His body to Joseph of Arimathea, His clothes to the soldiers, and His mother to John. But to His disciples, who had left all to follow Him, He left not silver or gold, but something far better—His PEACE!

– Matthew Henry –

A People Consecrated to God – John Wesley

Oh that God would give me the thing which I long for! That … I may see a people wholly devoted to God, crucified to the world, and the world crucified to them. A people truly given up to God in body, soul and substance! How cheerfully would I then say, “Now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace.”

– John Wesley –