The world appears very little to a soul that contemplates the greatness of God.
– Brother Lawrence –
The world appears very little to a soul that contemplates the greatness of God.
– Brother Lawrence –
Whatever weakens your reasoning, impairs the tenderness of your conscience, obscures your sense of God, or takes away your relish for spiritual things, in short, if anything increases the authority of the flesh over the spirit, that to you becomes sin, however good it is in itself.
– John Wesley’s Mother –
Nothing is more contrary to a heavenly hope than an earthly heart.
– William Gurnall –
A little hole in the ship sinks it; a small breach in a sea-bank carries away all before it; a little stab at the heart kills a man; and a little sin, without a great deal of mercy, will damn a man.
– Thomas Brooks –
Unless we have WITHIN us that which is ABOVE us, we will eventually yield to that which is AMONG us.
– Unknown –
While carnal men say seeing is believing, we assure them that to us believing is seeing.
– Charles Spurgeon –
Learn to hold loosely all that is not eternal.
– AM Royden –
We have learned to live with unholiness and have come to look upon it as the natural and expected thing.
– AW Tozer –
Get rid of this bunkum about the “carnal Christian.” Forget it! If you’re carnal, you’re not saved.
– Leonard Ravenhill –